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for those of you (megan) who have complained that my journal entries are too long.... let me just sum up this post in four words: I am an for the rest of the story. well let me just tell you about a little story from this weekend. this was probably one of the most eventful weekends i have had in a long time but the story i am going to share with you is from this past saturday. on saturday, i got up and went to go run errands. (I LOVE running errands on Saturdays. It is my time to be all alone. I’m with someone else 24 hours a day. Its nice to be all by myself for a while. and be some place where no one knows where i am) anyways…. last october, while looking for a birthday present for my mom, I wondered into an antiques shop to look around for awhile. well, while i was there i saw a very antique plate made by Wedgewood, but it was a BAYLOR plate. it was a white plate but in the middle it had the Tidwell bible building painted in all blue. it was really neat and i really liked it, but at the time I just could not afford it. but i’ve been thinking about it ever since. And I figure…. If I’ve thought about it for this long and have been living in sin, and coveting this thing since October, then the logical thing would be to just go get the darn thing. right???? well i head off on saturday for alleged antique store. and when i get there, to my amazement, not only do they have ONE plate, but they had TWO, count them TWO Tidwell devil building plates. so i get it. pay for it. and leave. it wasn’t until my drive home that i realized the magnitude of what i had actually done!!! so i got home and told Amanda and vince,….."ok I’m going to show this to you, but I need you to act like its really cool, so I wont feel so dumb about buying it. oh wow… we go” …. So I pull it out, and they look at it with absolutely NO amazement on their faces and they say, “is that it? what is it? how much did you pay for it?” and this is the point where I wanted to bust out in tears. I sunk my head down and foolishly said…. “seventy five dollars”. Yes. Please catch your breath. I, morgan nunnally, as I live and breath, consciously bought a 75 dolllar plate. singular. amanda and vince of course bust out in uncontrollable laughter. and all I can do is shake my head. i mean... who does that? You wanna know who does that? Little old ladies. Little old crazed Baylor ladies do that. Obsessed alumni do that. i somehow can not scrounge together enough money to join the alumni association, but i can buy a plate of a building that nothing ever turned out well for me in? and it’s like, i didn’t even see it coming. i wanted the plate in my head. and then when i saw it, it was like a knee jerk reaction to fork over the money. and the even funnier ("they" should really make that a word) thing is that the day before, i really wanted to buy this FABULOUS four place setting set of dishes on ebay (another vice of mine), but I couldn’t decide whether or not to get them, because I thought they were too expensive. So Amanda says to me, through the tears of laughter…."you could have gotten that whole place setting that you wanted for the same amount that you paid for that ONE plate”. ….. even as I am sitting here. I am shaking my head at my monumental failure of a purchase. Now I really want those other plates and want to smash the one plate I own over the lady that sold it to me. and of course, real big on the top of the receipt it says "all sales final". they do this to trick foolish little girls. antique people dont believe in buyer's remorse. forget antique, i'm going to eat off that plate EVERYDAY! it's going to be my special eating plate. either that... or i'm going to display it and put a big blinking neon sign in the shape of an arrow pointing at it, so that people will not miss it when they come over. it will be one of those, what do you call it.... "conversation pieces". i cant even believe this. i'm going to be living on the streets. i'll be the crazy plate lady.
moral of the story.... think before you buy $75 dollar plates and stay away from crazy plate lady.
Rachel, better known as RAR, is my best friend from college. she is hands down THE most underrated person that i know. she may come off shy, but she is one of the most fun and most hilarious people.....ever. yesterday was her birthday. so, in reverence of this blessed event.... i'm going to tell some of my favorite rar stories.....
I met Rachel Ann Rakes freshman year. We were in the middle of hall dec for parents weekend and she was walking down the hall. as she passed me i smiled at her, she halfway smiled back and then i made the comment, something to the effect of...."wow, thats a small shirt" (now, at this point, you have to cut me some slack. it was still relatively close to school starting and i was just trying to start a conversation, any conversation to meet people.) but the response back really surprised me. (she hates this story, she claims that she does not remember this incident, and she thinks that i embellish too) rar looked down at her shirt, looked at me (i'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes at this point) and then looked up at me (i was on a ladder) and said in the most monotone, annoyed voice, "no its not" and kept walking. it's a wonder we started talking again after that, but she got redemtion when her roommate french braided my hair in her room.
Again... freshman year. there was about a week where people thought it was funny to steal people's clothes/underwear while they were taking a shower. well rachel had had enough of this. none of us knew rachel really all that well.... so the clothes were stolen and we waited to see what she was going to do. the water stopped and a group of us are waiting down in her doorway which is all the way down the hall. and then, here she comes........ what we didnt know was that she had her robe in the shower with her. so when she saw that her clothes were stolen she decided to give us the show she thought we were wanting. she walked down the hall with her robe on, but not closed, so she we all saw the RAR, in all her glory. she struted proudly down the hall with a try-that-again-and-see-what-happens, dont-mess-with-me smirk on her face. we all died laughing, hid our eyes, and never did it again. rar proclaimed : "to the ladies of 3 south: i am not ashamed"
*Rachel, after having a spat with a male friend of hers, ran outside collins barefooted and proceeded to run around the building, speed building with every lap.
*Rachel, to this day, thinks that me and her have the same hair color. she has RED hair. please see photo.
*Rachel once told a girl she was stalking via the internet to "go to hell"
*Rachel once threw packaged lunch meat at a boy. shes says "you dont throw packaged meat at someone unless you're really pissed"
*Rachel loves her sleep more than anyone i've ever met (except maybe the Ju). but one time, she woke up in the middle of the night, showered and got ready for the day before realizing that it was the middle of the night. then just went back to sleep til the morning.
*Rachel once got really really mad at me for "stealing" her last bite of chicken nugget when she was not done yet. she was mad. she wrote a journal entry about it. she's over it now.
*Rachel is possibly the most directionally challenged person i know. God help her.
*Rachel... even to the point of our junior year of college, didnt know how to deposit money in the bank. but as if that wasnt hard enough for her... she had to call me everytime she went to the bank because she couldnt remember how to get there and was lost. (*see directionally challenged note above)
*Rachel once went to class with Kara just for fun. rachel is the cutest nerd i know.
*Rachel didnt have a car at college until our junior year. and once, while we were living together our soph. year she tried to WALK to pizza hut at night. well, i was having none of this and hunted her down "lifetime-movie-mom style" and told her to get her butt in the car and to never pull anything like that again.
*Rachel is not a morning person, but for one full semester we would meet at common grounds twice a week to have "breakfast club". it was great.
*One time we were discussing all the campaign signs on campus and how it would be funny if we just made random campaign signs and put them up around campus to confuse people. So i come home from work one afternoon and there are signs all over my apt. complex that she put up saying "reelect Morgan Nunnally for student body president"
*Rachel taught me everything i know about journal writing. she is my Yoda. What was really fun, was when we used to write joint journal entries. This is rachel's journal link. Click here for a good time....
*Rachel doesnt like babies. this is no exaggeration. she compares them to cockroaches.
*Rachel doesnt dance. EVER. however, she will sing songs from Hercules or "all i want for christmas" at any given time. one of our favorite things to do with rachel is go to common grounds... but my second favorite thing to do is drive around campus, windows rolled down, singing Hercules as loud as we can.
For all these reasons. i love rachel rakes. i love her because we both love SING and can talk about it for hours. i love that she is obsessed with her journal. i love that she is one of the smartest people i know with the least common sense. i love that she cries everytime she laughs really hard. i love that we are living parallel lives. i love that she thinks i'm funny (my ego thanks you rachel). i love rachel's hair. i love that she treats Gilmore Girls as reality and almost claims it as a religion. i love that even at 7:30am she will let me bust in on her and wake her up to listen to my problems. i love that we both love maroon 5. i love that she has some of the most original catch phrases that she uses on a daily basis. i love that she will stand up to boys in my defense. but seriously, the biggest reason that i love rachel rakes is becase she has never judged me. i can tell rachel any and everything i do/think about and she never judges me. this is her MOST endearing trait. rachel, you're crazy for thinking i'm so normal. i LOVE this girl.
now, dont you wish you knew rachel?
happy birthday rar.
so because the alliantgroup, (in the words of rar), "hates baby jesus", and didnt let me have good friday off. (and really, a "good" friday for me would never include work) anyways, since they wouldnt let me have the day off, i'm going to let them pay me for my mad journal entry skills instead of my mad R&D tax credit skills. it's my way of really stickin it to the man.
let me tell you a little story. when i went for my second interview with southwest, i was sitting next to an about 28-ish year old woman. and as we're filling out our rather lengthy second application there was a question about "car violations", and i asked her "does this mean that we have to put like our speeding tickets on here also?"... and she said, "yeah i think so......" then she paused. and before i could go back to telling southwest about all my reckless driving habits, she starts in again with.... "you know.... i got a DWI a few years ago. you think that they are going to really hold that against me? i mean..... it's not like we are going to be driving the planes or anything....." ok. stop right there..... at this point my internal dialogue was that of a cash register resounding CHA-CHING! and i looked at her with the most casual it-was-nice-to-meet-you-but-there-is-no-way-in-hell-that-they-are-going-to-hire-you-honey smile and casually said "no. i dont think so."
hero of the day: my daddy. who rates one his favorite thing to do as watching me dance.
hitlist: my boss. and his double standard, politics rule, favoritism, and corporate whenever he feels skip, self. its ok though. i'm quitting next week and he doesnt even know.